10 Benefits of Email Marketing

10 Benefits of Email Marketing Your Team Must Know

Last updated on October 4th, 2023 at 07:33 am

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‘Is email marketing dead?’

This is probably the most common question that peeps into the mind of every marketer nowadays. And obviously, the answer is no; email marketing still stands as a powerful medium to communicate with your customers. 

Surveys show that millennials spend over 6.4 hours a day reading their emails. Not only this, most of them still prefer to have their business communication over emails. Therefore, you must develop a strong email marketing strategy to get more eyeballs to your brand.

Another question that may bother you as a marketer is whether email marketing is worth your time and effort? As an answer to this, we must say that you will come to know that email marketing is worth every penny and second by the end of this post.

Top 10 benefits of email marketing

People tend to check their email everywhere. Customers love to have personalized messages, simple birthday wishes, or a cheery welcome message in their inbox that always make them special. Simply put, the more value you provide to your customers, the more they will be interested in hearing back from you. 

To add to this, with the use of a proper call-to-action strategy, you can quickly increase your customer base while keeping them engaged with your fresh and personalized content. Taking note of all this, it is essential to work on a strong email marketing strategy from day one. 

Below listed are the top ten benefits of any successful email marketing campaign.

  1. It helps to communicate with a global audience 

Emails are used around the world. An email marketing campaign, when done rightly, is one of the best ways to reach out to a global audience.

Whether you purchase any product online or create an account on social media platforms, an active email address is the first customer detail you need. Because of this inevitability, email marketing has a global reach through which you can connect with your potential customers anywhere in the world.

2. It is easy to get started

You can start an email marketing campaign even if you don’t have an expert team or much technical knowledge. An effective email can be sent using some creative templates, short videos, images, and logos. 

In addition, there are plenty of email marketing tools in the market that will help you craft a personalized email message for your customers. They will also help you optimize your click-through rate and conversion rates, thereby measuring your business performance.

Before sending out an email, you must remember that the more value you put into the content, the more your email gets engagement. Often an email with simple text achieves better engagement than one with creative visuals. 

3. It is highly cost-effective

Every business, whether small or big, can face budget constraints at any point in time. While big businesses can still afford to buy advertising space, it becomes more critical in the case of small businesses. 

Here comes another significant benefit of email marketing; it helps in optimizing your budget. If you are a small business owner who has just started with your promotional campaigns, email marketing is the best way to reach out to people. 

Email marketing is a highly cost-effective medium as compared to other marketing strategies and you can also save emails as pdf whenever you want. Even targeted campaigns that deliver flyers to customer mailboxes have their printing and mailing costs. But with an email campaign, there is no advertising fee or media space charges; all you need is innovative software for automation, tracking, and assessment of the emails.

4. It helps to deliver targeted and personalized content

Email marketing is all about targeting the right customer with the right products and services. It’s about reaching out to that potential clientele who are most likely to buy your product at that time. 

Email marketing is one of the few platforms that allows you to segment and categorizes your audience based on interests, demographics, purchase history, etc. Organizing your customer list in this way helps you to have a more effective conversation with them.

While some of your customers are interested in offers and discounts, others look forward to your blog updates. Crafting an email with a good subject line and body will resonate with your customer and nurture a bond of trust and respect with your brand. Nevertheless, you will observe a drastic change in your conversion rates as soon as you categorize your customer list. 

5. It creates brand awareness

Consistently sending emails about your company, products, and services makes people aware of your brand. The more valuable content you send to your customers, the more they start thinking about your business and products. Furthermore, this will have a significant impact on their buying behavior as they will tend to look at your portal before making the final buying decision.

Below mentioned are three tips that can help developing brand awareness through email marketing:

  • Let the tone of your email represent your brand’s value. This will grow a sense of reliability and confidence among your customers.
  • Craft an email that is instantly recognizable by your customers. This boosts customer confidence in your brand, thereby reinforcing your brand recognition.
  • Maintain regularity in sending emails. Refrain sending five emails this month only to send one in the next month.

6. It helps in building strong customer relationship

It is not always a great idea to always call your customers to let them know about your products or services. Instead, sending a compelling email will do the job for you.

Gaining attention is the stepping stone of a successful email marketing campaign. When you send high-quality content to your customers, they gradually come to know about your offerings. This helps in building a strong customer relationship, thereby allowing them to have confidence in your brand.

Often small business owners who have just started their journey complain of not having a website or an email list. But now, you can quickly build an email list by creating a full-page form and then sharing the link to gain a wider reach. As it starts driving more traffic to your business, keep a record of the emails, and your list is ready for email marketing.

7. It boosts traffic to your website

While crafting an email, make sure to add relevant links to your website. Also, add social sharing buttons to the emails so that your customers can share them easily on their social handles.

Adding shareable options drives more traffic towards your site and helps improve your page ranking and SEO. Remember to add a compelling call-to-action to every email so that your customers can easily navigate through your site pages.

8. It is easy to measure 

With most of the email marketing tools allowing you to track your performance; it becomes

easier for you to find out your shortcomings and improve in the next. While

other marketing channels take a long time to implement these changes, email marketing corrections can be added immediately. 

Here are a few of the metrics that you may consider before sending your next email:

  • A good email open rate means that your audience already knows about your brand and looks forward to hearing from you. 
  • Next, the click-through rate (CTR) gives you an idea about how many of the email receivers went through the entire email content and clicked on the embedded links. 
  • Once you have succeeded in making your audience read the entire email, the next challenge is converting them to buyers. Here comes the role of a practical call-to-action button that measures the conversion rates of your email.

9. It increases sales

Reports show that emails generate nearly $37 billion in sales annually. Email marketing campaigns that feature products or services following the past buying trends of the customer tend to achieve more sales. 

Besides, you can entice the customer to have another purchase by:

  • Featuring products that are often brought alongside the purchase your customer previously made
  • Showing similar products that the customer bought recently
  • Offering discount prices for future purchase

Often a relevant promotion to a customer’s past purchase tempts them to book their next order. In addition, you can also use email marketing for sending automated messages to prospects you want to follow up with.

10. It helps to collect customer reviews and feedback

Have you noticed and often restaurants and hotels ask for feedback after you have enjoyed their services? 

Email marketing is an excellent way to gather customer testimonials for social proof. Customers won’t buy products from a site that they don’t trust. And it is a common tendency to look for reviews before making the final purchase. 

Adding customer testimonials to your site increases your brand’s credibility, thereby instilling a sense of confidence among the new buyers. 


We hope you got your answer to whether email marketing is worth your time and effort. Email marketing opens up many ways to find out the perfect campaign that suits your brand and customers.

It gives opportunities to learn and experiment with your marketing goals without ruining your budget. If you are looking for a time-saving, easy, and fast marketing option for your brand, email marketing is the one you must go for.

Let us know in the Comments section below what you think are the top benefits of email marketing. If you’re looking at effective ways of growing your email marketing list, there are several resources available on the web.