Issue Tracking Tools

Issue Tracking: 5 Things You Must Know

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There no denying the fact that issue tracking has been made simpler due to automated issue tracking tools. However, it is still very critical since there are a lot of small details which can easily skip through your eye and they can cause major issues if they appear in the final product. When it comes to bug tracking, there are a lot of things you have to keep in mind. In this blog, we are going to focus on the 5 most important things which you should know before starting a project using issue tracking tools. Read the following and find out what you didn’t know before about issue tracking. Find out what you should know about issue tracking tools:

1. The flexibility of The Tool

Whenever you are going to select a tool then you should make sure either your tool is flexible or not. Prioritizing issues and assigning them to the relevant department is the basic hallmark of a good tool. Therefore, always make sure that the tool you are using should offer easy issue logging. Moreover, it should also be flexible in a way that it should the user to view the issue as they wish to see it.

2. User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface will make your job easier at so many levels. It will allow you to customize your dashboard according to your needs. Hence, you’ll be able to perform your tasks in your own way. Therefore, always check the interface and dashboard of the tool you are going to use.

3. Is File Attachment Easy?

It may not sound like it, but easy file attachment plays a big role in the overall workflow in an issue tracking tool. Sometimes, the testers attach the file which is not updated with the tracked issues. This can cause great misunderstandings and there is a great chance that the final product still contains the bugs and issues even after a lot of your hard work.  Therefore, always go for a tool which lets you attach the right will file and even screenshots and small videos.

4. Easy Information Sharing

A tester never works alone. They have to collaborate with developers and other stakeholders as well. Therefore, the tool you are using should offer an easy mechanism to share information and updates with all the relevant people involved in the project without any confusions. A dashboard with metrics helps in easy and real-time information sharing. “Kualitee” is an example of such tools which offer quick and real-time information.

5. Feedback Collection

Getting feedback from the clients is very important if you want to grow personally as a tester and also as an organization. There are different tools which offer client feedback features. If your bug tracking tool contains this feature, then this is a plus point for you and you should always with such tools.


Testing demands high-end skills but if your testing tool is not up to the mark, then there is a great chance that your efforts and skills can go to complete waste. Therefore, you should always keep the aforementioned points in your mind while selecting an issue tracking tool.