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How Using Issue Tracking Software May Help Development Teams

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Helpful software has been gradually letting itself into every sphere of our lives one by one. Today it’s hard to name at least one field that isn’t accompanied by a ton of apps. 

At the forefront of all this progressive goodness is, of course, the field of software development itself. Many tools have been created by developers for developers, and more are being created right now.

One of the most impactful types of development software is issue tracking software. Being able to write a semi-working program is one thing, but polishing it into a marketable product is a whole other deal. 

Bug trackers save developers an insane amount of time by structuring and organizing the tedious process of routing out broken bits and pieces from their software.

Some of the Benefits

Truth be told, using issue tracking software to maintain projects is a one-sided coin. A virtually flawless system is a rare sight nowadays. There is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be using issue tracking software. The structurization it provides is always a plus, more so the bigger your project is.

Here are some of the primary features:

  • Documenting issues;
  • Recording work progress;
  • Coordinating the team;
  • Organizing the issue database.

These are just some of the benefits of a bug tracking system. It doesn’t really matter if you’re working alone or as a part of a huge international company. 

If you’re a loner, a tracker will help you keep track of things without having to keep all that information in your mind. And the value of such software to a team is simply immeasurable.

 Issue tracking software was designed for one purpose and one purpose only – to optimize the debugging process. And it’s remarkably good at achieving results.

Being able to get rid of having to explain the technical problem over long calls or correspondence is simply priceless. 

The time you save can be used for more important things, like making sure all your college assignments are turned in. And if you’re still feeling overworked, online services like Essay Pro will gladly help you with that one.

The functionality and interface may vary from a tracker to a tracker, so it may take some getting used to. However, once you get the hang of a tracker’s documenting standard, your work can be forwarded to developers across the world. 

They’d be able to understand and efficiently use it. This works vice versa as well and basically creates a formal universal language built around filing down the rough edges of your software.

Which Software Is Best

So now that we’ve established that issue tracking software is beneficial no matter how you put it, it’s time to do some research on the differences between the multitude of trackers out there. 

Luckily this one’s pretty easy as well. There are basically two criteria you can go by when picking a bug tracker for yourself. Issue tracking software is generally sorted by personal preference or popularity.

Having a personal preference is pretty self-explanatory. Some people choose certain functionality, a specific type of interface, or simply want to support a specific software developer. Use whatever software you’re most comfortable with. This approach works best when working alone or in small teams with good enough internal dynamics.

It becomes a different story when you’re working with big companies that already have a certain procedure of dealing with bug tracking and an established developer team. 

In that case, you’d probably have to roll with whatever they have going on. It might not be worth it to force the entire development team to conform to your tastes.

Of course, there is an exception to the rule, and that exception is “yes, definitely change the tracking system if it doesn’t have the functionality you want.” 

This is a pretty niche case, though, as most trackers (even the most basic and public ones) have a pretty solid selection of base features. So unless you’re looking for something specific, you’re in the clear.

Final Words

Issue tracking software is a blessing when it comes to documenting standards. Can you develop without them? 

Well, yes, the same way as you could probably ride a horse without a saddle. The bottom line is, it’s a quality of life thing that will reduce the amount of work and stress you are subjected to through the course of development.

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