Tech memes are hilarious. This is often outcome they depict the truth of technology and its aspects. Once surf riding everywhere the internet, we have selected 30 technology-related memes to make you smile. Be it software development, software testing, cybercrimes, AI or crypto-currency; we have covered it all for you.
Let’s have a quick glance look!
The job of software tester requires a lot of hard work and persistence. This memes describes the process of bug detection in the most hilarious manner.
This is another meme that can guaranteed leave you in splits. This memes depicts the difficulty that tech people encounter while explaining tech terms to a layman.
Who does not know about AI? A day will come when people will use AI to generate memes.
We have different sorts of technologies to detect viruses in apps and software. Therefore, they are saying that people do not need to allocate time to detect virus.
Hahaha… the ultimate dream of every quality assurance team member to remove a difficult virus.
Another funny way of looking at the cyber-crime.
This meme show the time period of covid, where everyone worked from home. This increased the incidents of hacking and the burden on ethical hackers.
It is another rib tickling way of demonstrating how emails are the main reason of falling for malicious scams.
This meme shows the difficulties that testers encounter during A/B testing.
Keep your passwords strong
Technology is not going to leave you alone. You are always going to encounter some sort of technology even if you are at a vocation.
Another helarious way of demonstrating hoe data breach causes disturbance in the organization.
A very astosing fact presented in the most funniest way. Yes, organizations fall prey to phishing attacks.
Hahaha…..Software remediation! The most difficult thing in the world, if the outsourced tester is unreliable.
ROFL!!! Project scope modification is another burden put on the developers.
It shows the COVID times we all must have gone through….
The effort and outcome!!! The amount of hard work and creativity put in to present the idea that is rejected by the project manager.
Hahaha…… Software developers are near to the progress while working. But then Jira comes in..
This highlights the significance of defining the scope.
Any tips????
This is how the blame game begins
Hahaha… The suggestions you present are kept safe !!!
Highlighting the significance of customer testing!!! No product can be launched without customer feedback.
How the hell is it possible even?? What a Joke?? ROFL
Most risky investment (crypto-currency investment)
The dilemma faced by the security managers that they buy expensive security tools but teams don’t use it efficiently.
This shows how hackers are always looking for the weak points to attack
Hahaha….. The wonders of Artificial Intelligence.
Who in the millennials does not remember Tom and Jerry? Extremely sorry to see tom losing his job due to AI.
Also, read more about QA Blogs in 2024

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