Business’ Cybersecurity

Your Business’ Cybersecurity

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A successful business is always a goal that any entrepreneur sets himself. This is also the goal for consumers, which consists in getting pleasure from owning or using a certain product; a goal for followers who are inspired by ideas to create or improve their own services; and, of course, the goal for competitors, which is to outdrive.

Many companies have experienced an external attack or faced internal information security incidents at least once a year. Imagine, every second hundred of pieces of new malicious software are created in the world. The black market for viruses is quite large. The site of a small, but growing demand project can quite easily find itself under a random DDoS attack. In fact, an unprepared resource will become unavailable to users due to the influx of new users who decided to test the service after a great promotional article.

What is the threat?

External threats to business are malicious software, DDoS attacks; phishing attacks, network penetration; loss of devices with saved passwords. The most popular internal threats are software vulnerabilities and leaks caused by employees.

Increasing volumes of customer data processed and the growing role of intellectual property in product success lead to the emergence of new forms of information theft. Competitors are interested in information about the company’s internal processes, employee data, financial information, intellectual property, and corporate bank account data.​ Personal profiles, payment details, and other confidential information (including parts of the code) must remain protected. If you don’t want your business to be compromised, turn to secure development.

The problem with cyber security is that businesses rarely use reliable antivirus software or specialized solutions to protect against DDoS attacks, and take action to protect information and financial transactions. Elementary problem: remember how many passwords you have? Most likely, there are only a few of them for all your logs. 

News headlines contain numerous reports of commercial hacks, data leaks, cyber fraud, disruptions to government structures or critical infrastructure, intellectual property theft, national security leaks, and more. Moreover, companies of various levels and scales become the objects of attack.

How To Prevent Cybercrimes?

The protection system consists of many interconnected parts: organizational, legal, engineering, and technical measures, as well as measures of cryptographic and technical information protection. Aimed at preventing cyber incidents, detecting and protecting against cyber attacks, eliminating their consequences, and restoring the stability and reliability of the functioning of communications, and technological systems. The legal component is mandatory and precedes all stages. Timely updating of antivirus and blocking of dubious sites on office computers is not enough.

Businesses must develop a deeper understanding of today’s cyber risks, ensure proper monitoring, and develop rapid response plans, not limited to risk prevention measures. The detailed work of lawyers precedes the implementation of an effective technical component of protection against cyber attacks in symbiosis with cyber security specialists, which consists of effective IT compliance and risk management. Suppose an information security incident has already occurred. In that case, lawyers and specialists will help conduct an effective investigation and influence the violator with legal means of protection for illegal encroachment.