Online Banking App

How To Create An Online Banking App

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Before starting the process of developing a banking application, it is essential to qualify the main features of the application. In this section, we will share a list of leading and additional functions that you need to apply when developing applications for mobile banking. 


  1. Registration + profile setting 
  2. Onboarding Screen
  3. Payments 
  4. Transaction Situation 
  5. Branches and ATM card 
  6. Help page 
  7. Push notifications 

Let’s take a look at how to make a mobile banking application more user-friendly. 

Registration and options: 

This share is exceptionally fundamental for the development of mobile banking. This is because you can implement security features for authentication (passwords, biometric scanning, other difficulties). 

But as a rule, we do not recommend adding a huge number of fields with questions through the “registration period”. There is a difference. It is your responsibility to ensure that your customers’ information is strictly protected. In this case, additional questions have every chance to help you. 

High password strength” password, merging with a telephone number or email, personal security issues, and unanimity of buyers with the Privacy Policy and other criteria of the banking service which they accept by creating their data should be completed at registration time. 


Enabling fresh users is considered a necessary step towards the success of your application. Several things need to be considered when designing an add-on screen to make the process truly valuable to users. 

Key features of a promising startup screen: 

  • Beware of lengthy manuals. Assign why the user is using this application. 
  • Inform the user little by little and do not expect that he will quickly remember all the functions. 
  • Orient new users through the application with the introduction of user interface prompts. These tips follow in the footsteps of showing the user precisely the moment they need them. 
  • Highlight significant areas of the application while protecting the application screen itself. This way, users can easily find the features they need. 
  • Display the application’s value and principal outstanding qualities, using as few screens as possible during the habituation process. 


Conducting monetary transactions is the primary function of fintech applications. As a consequence of this, this function follows in the footsteps of giving tremendous meaning. In addition to making transactions between any card, bank, and account, we recommend adding payments for upcoming items: 

  • mobile communications; 
  • fines and taxes; 
  • deposits; 
  • loans and credits; 
  • utilities; 
  • travel and transportation (bus, train, airplane ticket, hotel reservation or Airbnb); 


A progressive user will still feel comfortable if he gets reminders about systematic payments. This can be a reminder of a standing payment for mobile offers or a reminder of a monthly payment on a loan.

Transaction Management:

The Transaction screen is the centerpiece of your application, where your customers can see their payments and transactions from the very beginning of their currency transfer software. 

Apart from this, the function of the transaction must be organized in detail and include: 

  • Currency of the transaction and the amount of the transaction; 

Recipient (name of a physiological person or organization + card/account number); 

  • Date and time of the transaction; 
  • Geolocation where the transaction was made. 

Another exciting function for your software for sending funds is a daily, weekly, and filter at monthly costs. These categories can be different: by class (food, honey offers, travel, games), by date, by the amount of cash (up to $ 50, $ 100, more than $ 250, etc.), etc. 

 In order to make a banking application that would be different from a large number of competitors, it is fundamentally to arrange it at a technical level, reliable and essential when it concludes the tasks of your customers. But what is the price of developing a banking application? 

Two leading aspects guide the price of developing a banking application for iOS or Android. 

The first aspect is the performer. For example, if you live in the USA and order an application from regional creators, its price will be 2-3 times higher than if experts from Eastern Europe hunted it.  Estimating the size at any point, which means paying off the cost of developing an application for online banking, is considered a difficult task. To do this, you need to have an excellent idea of ​​the last result and be well-versed at a technical level to estimate the costs of working power for each function. As a result of this, as a rule, experienced experts are involved in this process.

The Geniusee Fintech application development skill started with the development of online wallets. Following this, blockchain technologies were added to plans for developing cryptocurrency exchanges, investments, and trading. We are currently focused on banking offerings, payment systems, and cryptocurrency exchanges. In development, we use NoSQL, relational databases, and math systems. The production environment is built by implementing firewalls, web server load balancing, and database replication for fault tolerance and performance. You can find our successful cases in our Portfolio –  

Actually what we offer: 

  • Personal investment opinions. We specialize in software development for private and corporate investments. Our FinTech software development and analysis skills in this area allow us to draw completely harmless and scalable conclusions for firms supporting automation and investment management. 
  • Self-acting commercial bot. We can make automated trading opinions for investors, asset managers, and any financial firm. Our experts will surely help you develop automatic route intentions based on your trading rules and offer advanced mathematical forecasting models. 
  • Conclusions for monetary analysis. Our creators also specialize in developing large-scale personalized decisions for analyzing money and market data. Data visualization tools like charts and charts, with different analytical methods like predicting and detecting patterns, can help your buyers arrange the best choice for trading. 
  • All kinds of wallets. Every cryptocurrency and tokens firmly ask for reliable savings for subsequent non-hazardous and comfortable use. Geniusee experts provide integration with systems of all sorts: personalized web wallet storage and excellent offline accounts. 
  • Cryptocurrency replacements. We provide centralized or fully decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange platforms, instant cryptocurrency exchange software integrated with liquid reserves. 
  • Blockchain-based platforms. Collective class systems based on private and/or public blockchains that provide reliable assistance to your firm.

It is essential to analyze many factors before starting work and involve a team with significant development experience; then, there will be a fantastic result.  We have seen this from personal experience. 

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