With the advancements in the tech world, one needs to upgrade his existing software by introducing the latest features in it in order to keep it working smoothly. But sometimes, in this introduction of new features or upgradation in existing ones, some disturbances occur in the already operating functions of the software and it starts operations improperly. Therefore, it is recommended to do the regression testing of the software after any upgradation or changes.
What Is Regression Testing?
Regression testing is basically a practice done to test the software’s working after making any code changes or updates in it. By doing so it is made sure that the system is fully stable and functional and existing features are all okay. Whenever a modification is done regression testing is applied to guarantee that all features are perfectly working. By doing so the system remains sustainable for the longer term.
When to do a Regression Test?
This is an important thing to discuss that at which point you need to do a regression test of your software i.e. after what kind of changes you need to check the working capacity of the software. Below are some points enlisted where you need t pass your software through regression test.
- When you add into the existing feature
- When you introduce a new feature of function
- After fixing the codebase to solve defects
- When you optimize the source code of the software for better performance.
- After the addition of patch fixes
- After making changes in configuration
Why Regression Test Is A Requirement?
It is necessary to do automated regression testing for carrying smooth software development practices. Frequent regression testing synthesizes informative feedback and boosts instant responding. Further doing regression testing helps to find bugs and problems at the initial level and companies remain safe from spending a big amount on the maintenance of the system and for solving the built-up defects. Further, at the time a malfunction may seem a little one but it can appear as a giant later on, responsible for the worst kind of disturbance in the other functions of the system. Few businesses may prefer doing functional tests of the newly introduced features or changes made but these tests only work to check the sunning of these new functions and do not identify the issues in the existing features of the software. Hence to be on the safe side it’s better to go for regression testing so that you can be assured that all is up to the mark and you are not going to face any issue further.
Benefits of Regression Testing
Regression Testing has a lot of advantages a few of them are enlisted here
- Regression testing plays a major part in ensuring integration of previous and current releases after every upgradation or change.
- It helps to find bugs in software by catching undefined integration or any other issue in the application.
- Regression testing makes sure that the application is smoothly integrating its operations or not, even after constant changes, additions, or upgradations.
- Automated regression testing reduces the testing time as it boosts up the testing process. After preparing the regression test suite when it becomes ready for execution, the test resources become able to focus on other needed areas of application.
- Regression testing help to win customer trust and is responsible for bringing a high Customer Support Index (CSI). In this way, you can also expand your business.
- Functional and regression testing should be performed to ensure that the change have not lead down any t impact on the existing functionality of the
- Regression testing helps in minimizing expenses, and an automated regression testing solution minimizes the cost of the project as a whole.
- Regression testing synthesis the implementation of continuous integration so that whenever the developer pushes the code, a build is triggered and the regression test suite is automatically executed to make sure the smooth running of entre software.
- Automated regression testing saves you a lot of time as these automated test scripts can be reused or modified according to the requirements.
- It offers quality production and checks that any modification in the software has not affected or damaged the already tested and proven core functions.
- It is not mandatory to do automated regression testing as both automated and manual testing can be done to check the overall functioning of the software after modifications, however, automated testing is adopted by the companies because of its time-saving property,
- Bypassing your application or software through a regression test you become very sure that your software is totally ok and sellable in the market without any risks.
How to Perform a Regression Test?
Different companies carry out the task of regression testing in different ways however the base method is the same that includes
- First, detect the change
- Prioritize it
- Determine enter and exit points
- Schedule the test
These are the four basic points that take part in performing a successful regression test of the software. In the first step, you need to do the investigation of optimization and modifications you have done in the software and then after an investigation, you are required to highlight them all and also their effects on the existing features. After doing this you move on to the next step where you are required to prioritize all the modifications to organize the test via software testing tools. In the third step, you need to check and identify whether the app is flexible with the preset eligibility and you also need to decide a final point for the required eligibility. In the last step, you need to check all the components of the software and you also need to set an appropriate time for the execution of the test.
Automated Regression Testing Is Budget Friendly
If your software undergoes changes off and on the chances of increased regression costs shoot up. If you opt for manual execution of test cases it will cost you both time and money therefore automation of regression test is the smart choice as it is budget-friendly and can be done consuming less time.
Tools Used To Carry Regression Testing
To perform regression test perfectly certain regression testing tools are used that include
- Kualitee
- Selenium
- Katalon Studio
1. Kualitee
2. Selenium
Selenium is an open-supply device that is used for automating web applications. It is used for browsers based regression testing. For example, if you are dealing with software that does browsing like chrome and you have upgraded its features then you will use selenium to check if the app is working perfectly as it was before upgradation.
3. Katalon Studio
Katalon Studio is the easiest tool used to carry out regression and functional testing. You can call it an end-to-end automation solution as it transforms the testing process from a difficult to easy one for the testers. Further, it is an all-in-one testing solution for your web, web services, and all your mobile applications. While using this tool for testing purposes you can easily check the reports in LOG, HTML, CSV, and PDF formats.
4. QTP
QTP or Quick Test Professional is an automated software designed to regulate functional or regression tests. VBScript language is used in this tool for carrying out the test.
5. RFT
RFT or Rational Functional Tester is a Java device that is used for the automation of regression tests of a software program. It detects the problems occurring in the software after making changes to it.
Challenges in Regression Testing
Since regression testing is dome to minimize software regulation issues after its upgradation but in carrying out this test one may encounter some challenges that are as follows
- Because of regression runs in the test, it becomes fairly large to carry it and then budget shortage creates problems in carrying out the test as a whole.
- Minimization of test suite while managing to achieve high max test scale always remains a challenge in regression testing
- Determining the frequency of regression tests, after every modification or any update in the already existing feature, is a real issue faced while carrying regression test procedure.
Top 20+ Regression Testing Companies of 2024
- QA Mentor
- Mindful QA
- QualityLogic
- Kualitatem
- Impact QA
- Cigniti
- ThinkSys
- TestingXperts
- Test IO
- InfoStretch
- Suma Soft
- TestMatick
- Codoid
- SauceLabs
- QA Source
- BugRaptors
- Science Soft
- LogiGear Corporation
- QArea
- A1QA
- Qualityogic
- Fluid Attacks
1. QA Mentor
QA Mentor is also a top-ranked US-based company that is working to provide services in the domain of regression testing. The core services of this company include Core QA Services, On-Demand QA Services, Automation and QA Services, QA Solutions for various industries, etc.
2. Mindful QA
Mindful QA is a top-ranked company located in the USA providing quality services for regression testing. Its core services include manual testing, automated testing, performance testing, API testing, and mobile and web testing. They deal in hourly pricing you can contact them anytime for getting testing services without any worry of being extra charged.
3. QualityLogic
Regression testing is one of the most common efforts made to verify that bug fixes have achieved the goal of correcting a code or accessibility testing defect. Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, USA, QualityLogic recognizes the importance of integrating regression testing services into the bug testing process. They understand releasing the best software, apps, and websites requires collaboration between creative developers and a talented regression testing team—from concept to release.
QualityLogic’s singular passion is helping clients release great, high-quality software — and they have the proven expertise and experience to make that happen. With more than 5,000 successfully completed projects and 35+ years of QA and usability testing experience, QualityLogic has perfected their testing process, so companies can rest assured they’re making the right decision when choosing QualityLogic as their software testing company.
4. Impact QA
Impact QA is another US-based company that deals with regression testing of software at very good pricing of 5 to 10 dollars a month. Their services include full-cycle software testing, QA consultation, test automation, mobile application testing, security and penetration testing, functional testing, and much more. If you are in search of all-in-one testing service impact QA is the best option to choose.
5. Cigniti
Cigniti is another name of trust in the domain of regression testing, it’s a US-based company that offers you its service to check your software to keep it working. The core services of Cigniti include quality Assurances, quality engineering, digital assurance, next-generation testing, Advisory & Transformation.
6. ThinkSys
Among the list of top-ranked services for regression testing, ThinkSys is one, it is also a US-based company that offers QA testing, development, big data, and analytics verification for your applications.
7. TestIO
TestIO also offers trustworthy services for checking the software i.e it offers different testing solutions that include regression testing for websites, mobiles, variables, and lot.
8. InfoStretch
InfoStrestch offers premium services related to quality engineering, cloud engineering, and loT development.
9. TestingXperts
TestingXperts offers services that include, functional testing, non-functional testing, and test advisory and consultation for the software.
10. Suma Soft
Suma Soft deals with Software Development, Cyber Security, Software Testing Services (Automation Testing, Manual testing, Performance testing, etc.), etc.
11. TestMatick
TestMatick is another company operating in the US that offers its services for software checking. Its main services include regression testing, mobile testing, functional testing, automated testing, etc. Further, it also offers more than 20 types of QA services.
12. A1QA
A1QA is another name of trust in the domain of regression testing. It is a US-based company that offers its services for full-cycle testing, QA consultation, quality engineering, mobile, and web application testing, and much more.
13. QArea
It’s a US-based company that deals with regression checking is a software to make it working fluently on a longer-term with the latest advancements. It offers services for functional testing, performance testing, and compatibility testing.
14. QA Source
QA Source is an American-based testing company that deals with software checking after making modifications in it. QA source offers both manual and automated regression testing. It also deals with API testing and Mobile QA to keep it running smoothly.
15. Kualitatem
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