Online Paraphrasing Tools

5 Free Online Paraphrasing Tools to Make Your Content Unique

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Whether you are a freelance writer or an academic writer, you must have faced plagiarism in your work. It has become a common problem for every person related to this field.

The reason is extensive data available on the internet on almost every topic. You will find a topic rarely that has not been discussed in the blog format or in a research paper.

But it is also important to be unique when it comes to getting ranked in the search engine. According to Google webmaster guidelines, you should always publish unique content for better performance in your website’s writing.

Therefore, it is compulsory for you to write and provide unique content even if you are a freelance writer. As we have mentioned that it is not an easy task to do this manually, so, we have enlisted a few tools here in the following section to assist you.

What is a paraphrasing tool?

A paraphrasing tool is a specific tool that can be used to rewrite or reword the sentences. This tool has become part of the must-have list for almost every writer.

The main reason behind this is its efficient algorithm and working interface. Actually, a paraphraser will first analyze your given text and then replace the original words with new words.

It can either place synonyms or related terms to change the wording of the original sentence. In turn, the core meanings of your given text will remain the same but the words will be changed instantly.

How paraphraser has helped the writers?

Whenever you think about a paraphrasing tool, you must have thought about how it will improve your writing career. There is no doubt that it will not improve your writing skills directly but it will help you in your writing tasks.

First of all, this tool does not demand you to be efficient and proficient in the concerned language. It is important for you to have a strong grip on the language as well as have a vast vocabulary to rewrite the copied content.

A paraphraser will only demand you to insert the text in its dedicated box to let the tool do its work. Secondly, you might be having a problem rewriting the original text because of a time shortage.

This tool will also help you in saving a lot of time and accomplish your task within a few seconds. You will get the new or paraphrased text on your computer screen within a single glimpse.

The only thing that you have to do is to insert the text, analyze the new one, and paste it instead of the original. In this way, you will find this tool pretty beneficial for your writing career.

5 Free Online Paraphrasing Tools

Whether you are searching for a paraphrasing tool or any other online tool, you will find hundreds of choices available on the internet. It is not an easy task for a person to choose the right one and use it for efficient results.

Here we have wrapped our list of best and free online paraphrasing tools. In the following section, we have enlisted only 5 tools that you should use to rewrite the content and make it unique to avoid any unexpected conditions.


At the top of our list, we have a paraphrasing tool offered by which is a comprehensive platform regarding online tools. It is one of the best tools available on this platform because of its extensive list of features.

First of all, this tool has four working modes from which you can choose any one as per your work requirements. By checking into the box given above the text insertion box, you will be able to choose the working mode.

No doubt, the working interface of all modes is the same and it will rewrite your content with the same technique. But the word selection will be changed in its mode. So, you should choose the working mode after analyzing your work requirements.

Secondly, this paraphraser will display the original and paraphrased content side by side. In this way, it would be easy for a writer to compare both texts to know whether the rewriting process has been done properly or not.

Additionally, the tool will also underline all those words that it has replaced in your original text. By clicking on all those words, you can also check the available suggestions given by the tool. So, it would be easy for you to add manual paraphrasing touch in the final text.

To make sure that the paraphrased content is original, you can also use its plagiarism checker directly. For this, you only need to tap on the Check Plagiarism button given just below the paraphrased text box.

All in all, this tool is the best one because of multiple features that are unavailable in other tools. The only problem with this tool is the advertisement display on your computer’s screen.

Due to this, you may get diverted and unable to work smoothly. If you don’t find it a problem for your concentration, the tool would be the best for you to choose and work with.


Another amazing tool on our list is offered by This tool has been ranked in the second position because of the AI-based algorithm that makes it a perfect choice for all types of rewriting.

By using this tool, you can rephrase a blog post, essay, or research paper. It will enable you to do this in a very simple method because of its user-friendly interface.

To use this tool, you need to choose one of its working methods by clicking on the box available in the top portion of the original text box. After that, you only need to insert the text and tap on the Paraphrase Now button.

The tool will start processing and display rewritten content just beside the original text. All the replaced words will be shown in bold format with Green color highlights. So, you will be able to check what the tool has changed clearly within a few minutes.

One of its unique features is its multi-lingual working. Yes, you can rewrite your content written in more than 10 languages. To check whether your concerned language is available in its list or not, you need to tap on the languages option.

It will open the dropdown menu by clicking on which you can easily choose your desired language. Overall, the tool has the perfect working interface and rewriting features.

But we have found two main issues in this tool due to which we have ranked it in the second position. Being a free user, you can only rewrite 500 words in a single turn. So, you need to split your content if you have a lengthy blog or article.

Secondly, the paraphrased text has small dimensions. Therefore, it might be hard for you to have a look at that part of the text and compare it with the original text.


In the third place, we have that is also providing the best rewriting tool. It also has three working modes with a similar interface to the tool that we have mentioned above.

The best feature of this tool is the multiple buttons available inside the paraphrased text box. The working mode of this tool is simple in that you only need to insert the text and tap on the Paraphrase Now button.

It will analyze your content and replace the original words with the words available in its database. After rewriting, you will be able to see new text in a separate box given beside the original text box.

Just below, you will find multiple buttons including Check Plagiarism, Check Grammar, and Summarize It. By tapping on any of these buttons, you will be able to perform the concerned action quickly without browsing a specific tool.

Along with this, you can copy the new text or download it in text format to keep it for later use. If you found that the tool has not rewritten the content properly, you can also tap on the Clear button to remove the paraphrased text.

Overall, the tool has the best features as compared to many other tools. But it also has a problem for you which is its word count limit. Yes, you can’t rephrase more than 500 words at once if you are a free user.


If you are not ready to rely on a tool completely regarding paraphrasing, you should give this tool a try. It is a rewriting tool that demands the writer to take part in the rewriting process.

By inserting the text inside this tool, you will be able to get a text with underlined terms or words. So, you can check which words you want to change in your content and which ones you want to keep.

Once you have done with the rewriting process, you can download the text or copy it. Additionally, you can check the grammar of the new text directly by tapping on the given button.

The reason to rank it in the fourth position is manual interference demand. You need to have a lot of spare time because you have to check the suggested words and replace them one by one. It will take a lot of time to rephrase the text and make it unique.


On the last rank, we have a paraphrasing tool by It is also an efficiently working tool that will keep your original text meaning the same after paraphrasing.

This tool has a simple interface that can be followed by even a layman. You don’t need to be an experienced person in the field. You only have to insert the text in the given box and tap on the button.

It will take a few minutes to get the task done and display the final text in a new box. You can check the replaced terms and proofread the paraphrased text to make sure that the rewriting has been done properly.

No doubt, the tool has a simple interface with efficient working but it also has a few issues. First of all, you will find this tool without any external tool integration like grammar checker, plagiarism checker, and others.

Secondly, the word limit is not enough to rewrite even a single blog at once. So, you need to upgrade the subscription or split your content to rewrite it completely.

Thirdly, the tool will not give you a side-by-side display which is the main problem for you while comparing the text. Due to all these reasons, we have ranked it in the last position on our list.

Final Thoughts

By reading our above blog related to a list of free online paraphrasing tools, you might have selected your desired tool.

All tools are the best because of their working interface and accurate outcomes. But we suggest you choose any of the first three tools because of the extensive list of functions available in them.

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