Network Penetration Testing

5 Steps Process For Network Penetration Testing

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The network penetration testing process can be defined as a testing procedure that assists teams to highlight practical world prospects for hackers to intentionally endanger networks and systems. They can attain unlawful access to deliberately expose confidential information or take over the system’s malevolent activities. 

Sometimes penetration testing also called pen testing is mixed up with vulnerability assessment. However, this methodology incorporates attack replication that is done by extremely trained security consultants for the following reasons:

  •         Assessing security loopholes in the environment
  •         Determining the sort of dangers for the company
  •         Reinstate the pinpointed network security errors

Penetration testing enables ethical hackers to implement an attack on a company’s network, a network app, or a device to highlight the susceptibilities and assess the network for revealing gaps.

It is extremely famous that network penetration testing can provide you with outcomes when best practices are adopted and a list is developed that can lead you to the anticipated results. Keeping this scenario in mind we are presenting to you the list of 5 steps processes that should be followed by penetration testing solution provider companies while executing network penetration testing.

Scope Estimation 

Before the beginning of the test, scope determination plays an important role. This includes the parameters and objectives of success. This assists in highlighting the pen tests for evaluating the network. Specifically, it assists in estimating the possible subjectivities in the network configurations. Scope estimation is a very important step in the entire procedure. It will assist in making a good mix of test frameworks for providing user interfaces.

Opt For The Correct Tool

Defining the scope plays an imperative role in bringing you closer to your aims for Network Penetration Testing. this will assist you to set a way to reach your next step, which is to select the tool. There are some things that you must take into consideration while choosing a penetration testing tool for the network. The tool must be smoothly configured and easily deployable. The tests must be separated by writing down the susceptibilities based on verification and severity.

Set the Result Criteria 

There is no point in executing the tests if the desired outcome cannot be attained. Therefore, it is important to set criteria for outcomes while putting an effort into the tests. It will decrease your efforts in the end when the outcomes appear and you have to cross-examine the things that you wanted to attain since the project inception.

Harvest All Sorts of Data

Each aspect of data is significant for testing different interfaced inside the network. This includes the apps and the sort of data that is swapped across the network. The tester must collect all sorts of data and attain an in-depth understanding of the entire setup. This will assist the tester to set a framework based on which they would do frequent attacks on the network. 

Exploit all Pin-Pointed Susceptibilities

At the last stage, it assists to exploit and expose all the susceptibilities that have been pinpointed during the process. This will assist to pinpoint each gap inside the network and attain desired outcomes.

In Conclusion

All penetration testing companies must keep one thing in mind that there is a huge amount of information exchanged through apps and the network. Particularly user apps like Netflix, Amazon, and Uber carry a large amount of confidential customer information that is required to be protected. All these transactions take place across a set network. This is required to be evaluated for susceptibilities to keep all sorts of information protected.