5 Tools to Ace Blockchain Applications Testing
Last updated on June 23rd, 2022 at 04:29 am
A blockchain can be defined as a distributed ledger that saves the database of transactions and assets done across a peer-to-peer network. It is an open infrastructure that can save different sorts of assets. Nowadays, people and businesses are making transactions via blockchain apps.
Keeping this scenario in mind, we are listing famous software testing tools that can be used to test blockchain apps.
1. Kualitee
Kualitee is a dominant could-based test management solution that delivers both manual and automated testing. It offers a powerful dashboard, stress-free project management, requirement planning, test case management, defect management, automated testing, mobile app testing, APIs, zero software hassles, laser focus visibility, flexible user control, various access mediums and formats, test cycles, enhanced security, email notifications, and a user-friendly interface. In addition to this, it provides seamless integration with Jira, Selenium, Bitbucket, and Jenkins. These features enable you to make outstanding software.
2. qTest Manager
qTest manager is a product by QASymphony and it is commonly used among software testers. The main aim is to help the entire team and the testers in the development phase. Testers suggest that qTest has a simple and user-friendly interface.
Its main functions contain:
- Creating a test plan- it consists of what, how, and when situations and who can test the functionality.
- Unfolding, allotting and bringing in the requirements
- Frequent report substitutions for these requirements
- Test design – explaining the main test cases
- Combining and choosing them through various parameters
- Test implementation and reporting – you can review and report results
- Unite it with a bug tracking tool
3. PractiTest
PractiTest is practice and technology in the area of ALM. It is a protuberant cloud-based software testing tool. It offers its customers with an enhanced end-to-end system to achieve their QA and testing needs. It is technical, flexible, sensibly priced and easy. It permits the organization to confirm communication and prominence at every level. It assists project development teams to form and manage their testing procedures while providing management with a clear and simple view of their project status all the time.
4. QAComplete
The main objective of all the testers is to give improved control and visibility of the testing procedures. Nonetheless, they have limited resources and time to apply a multifaceted test management solution or improve the present test processes to adjust a new tool.
A few main features of this test include:
- Jira Test Management
- Flexible test management
- Seamless logging and bug tracking
- Reporting both manual and automated tests together
5. QA coverage
QA coverage is a test management platform to control and manage software test life cycles. The service encompasses the standard set of functions:
- Demonstrating the product requirements
- Writing down the test cases
- Setting and grouping them
- Testing implementation
- Reporting module
- Bug defect tracker module
In addition to this, the developers are allotting more attention on changing all parameters and forums, creating a complete menu tab by the name of Forum Builder. If you do not utilize some field for defect or creating a test case, the admin makes separate forms for every project.
Read Dive is a leading technology blog focusing on different domains like Blockchain, AI, Chatbot, Fintech, Health Tech, Software Development and Testing. For guest blogging, please feel free to contact at readdive@gmail.com.