Most professionals in the app development business will say that User Experience (UX) is the reason why apps are great. Hence, it is important that mobile app developers avoid making common mistakes in UX of apps.
Of the almost 2.2 million apps available across both Google Play and the App Store, a lot of them sit around collecting dust because developers flopped in one or more areas.
To make something great, it requires a degree of empathy where businesses and developers need to step out of their boundaries and sit in the user’s seat. It is through such connections that developers can make something (an app) that resonates with the target audience in the truest essence.
Let us first start by taking a good look at why UX matters and we will also have a look at some common errors driving apps to the bottom of the barrel in the app stores.
Why does the User Experience (UX) matter the most?
Apps are about solving users’ problems and giving them a good time. If users are not having a good time with the app then it is probably because developers left something to be greatly desired. In the same sense, a host is often obligated to host their guests thus apps should accommodate the users.
Businesses need to take a step outside of their bounds to ensure that products they make are able to satisfy (and even delight) the needs of the user base.
The UX is essentially the combination of every underlying component of the product as it works together to solve issues to a greater extent. Underneath the layers of these functions that make it all work is purpose. Hence, businesses should ensure that purpose is followed in letter and spirit with each step of making a digital product.
If there is no purpose, the intent behind processes loses meaning which is often reflected in shoddy apps or those apps that lack proper development.
A good example would be of a business that created a worthwhile and inspirational UX through a digital product is the DMV. Previously, a lot of people have avoided and even dreaded visiting such locations because of a terrible experience.
In combating such issues, a lot of states have launched great digital products that users can turn to instead of dealing with unnecessary issues that can make the in-person experience as miserable as waiting in a long line to get tickets to the ball game.
It is not as nearly as convenient when someone is at home and needs to find the needed documents to be uploaded in comparison to waiting in a long line.
States that have successfully embodied the experience they want to convey in their products have done so as a result of listening to feedback. Creating a sustainable product has its roots in listening to what the target audience wants and from there, it is up to the app development firm to deliver.
The common mistakes in UX that should be avoided
There are many ways to destroy an app and leave it scrambled. Hence here are the following mistakes that should be averted when developing an app (hire app developers):
Not thinking about the user interface
Numerous issues can arise from a user interface (UI) that can make apps cumbersome to use. Controls and elements present in the app should be clearly visible. Meaning that the layout needs to be on point. Features need to be innate and when they are not like that, a brief tutorial overlay should be included to clarify what each element can accomplish.
The experience should not be based on mere assumptions
Some developers create the whole experience solely on the basis of assumptions, which has been spotted by expert app developers Toronto. Hence, the app must be tested. Such a problem was found in the app Quibi and the reason it failed eventually. Theoretically, the app sounded great, providing original content in a short-form format that users can easily watch from mobile devices.
Eventually, the app never caught on despite the considerable investment made in it. The reason is that potential users did not care much and Quibi failed to adapt to the needs of their target audience.
Other mistakes developers should avoid are making complicated User Interfaces (UIs), making apps that do not solve problems, no clear direction in app design, and failing to adapt to feedback.

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