Test Case Management Software

Do You Require Test Case Management Software?

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The days where testing primarily focused on bugs and software regressions are of the past. Today, managing your testing lifecycle is key, regardless of the scale of operations your company works on. This is where test case management software plays a vital role in developmental cycles.

What is test management?

The software development world thrives on problem-solving and in this scenario, the solution is test case management software. Their function is simple at its core: to coordinate and monitor testing protocols and procedures and ensuring they’re done efficiently. A plethora of test management tools exist today and each varies based on your personal use-cases. All of them have a few functionalities in common:

  • Planning and Designing Tests.
  • Capturing Requirements. 
  • Executing Tests and Providing Analysis.

With that, the shortest possible answer to today’s topic is a resounding yes. If you’re still on the fence about its utilisation, here are a few reasons that might sway you into thinking otherwise. 


Test management is more than locating bugs in software – it’s also about being able to track, record and manage the outcomes of your testing process. And while the intention is the same i.e. making sure software or application works in a bug-free and efficient way. The first part of the testing process is done through unit testing, system testing, integration and acceptance testing. The second and latter part is completed using load, regression and API testing. Test case management software enables you to complete all these protocols in a seamless way.


This is typically used as a rough metric to ensure how much of your code is being tested in one go. This is normally used to refer to unit testing as it is primarily testing the number of unit tests and how much code is associated with them. When it comes to testing coverage though, it is important to understand it in a broader sense. It needs to measure every aspect of interaction with UI along with the “hard-to-reach” facets where potential bugs might hide. And although it can get challenging to measure what percentage of functions have unit tests, the value offering brought by doing so makes up for it.


Without recording, all efforts towards testing eventually and inevitably fail. This is especially true in cases where regression tests trigger failures. And without telling a recent test run from an older one, it becomes quite the impossible task to highlight a bug as new or a regressed one. Test case management software helps you keep a detailed log and report of all your tests to ensure you have the proper knowledge of all potential and older bugs before you get going again. Tracking your tests also makes the entire process much more efficient.


With the advancements made to software at the present rate, it is safe to assume that the testing process has never been more complex than it is today. And because the testing process is fallible, testing every possible interaction in any software is a daunting task. It also has nothing to do with how fail-safe your approach to UI is – someone out there is going to find a critical bug and this is where test management tools become a vital asset. To get around the blame game, being afforded the possibility to check and verify your test coverage is crucial. So while it may seem like quality assurance for your quality assurance may be heading us down a never-ending road, its importance shouldn’t be understated. 


If you’ve got significant software operations, then you would like significant testing efforts. At least, you are doing it if you would like to deliver software that pleases your users. And if you’ve got significant testing operations, then you would like test suit management.

Certain things became near-universal in software development. you do not do without or roll your own source control tools or bug tracking software. test suit management falls into that category. Testing significant pieces of software, is, of course, critical. But so too is using fit purpose software to manage that effort.

Just as software developers tout the importance of all the varied tools they use in their discipline, test suit management approaches play a critical role in testing. The more you’ll automate and make it easy, the higher the standard becomes. So right from that very first test suit stating that the software should say “hello world,” confirm you have already got an idea for test suit management.

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