Top Issue tracking tools

Top Issue Tracking Tools For 2024

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Issues, bugs, and errors are present in all software applications. The trick is to get hold of them before they are released into the market so that it does not earn a bad name to a business. A lot of time used to be spent on finding these bugs, but with issue tracking tools the job is easier and simplified. This is why they are an integral part of any software development process. It allows customizing the tracking tool to fit their testing needs. If an issue tracking tool is constantly updated, it ensures rolling out new software in time. From a customer’s perspective, these tools help people report an issue, track how it can be resolved and assign it to a certain team member.

Here is a list of issue tracking tools for 2024:

1. QACoverage:

The QACoverage Ticket module is but one part of a fully integrated test management solution that includes requirements tracking, test case management, reporting, and agile integration. This module allows users to create defects during or outside of test runs, import defects in bulk, track their progress, and manage defects within agile sprints. In nearly every ticket management tool, users can create and edit defects. But with QACoverage, ticket tracking and management is much more detailed. While the most commonly used ticket type is Defect, QACoverage also offers options for Risk, Enhancement, Question, and Task – each of which have their own detail fields available.

The Ticket Management section gives a detailed overview at-a-glance using either a grid with filtered columns or a color-coded pie-chart. The grid offers the defect summary, product version, assignee, sprint, defect type, and status with filtering options on each column. While in the ticket tracking section, users can create new tickets, import them in bulk, export, edit existing ones, archive, or add defects to sprints. All of these options make defect management and tracking simple and easy.

2. Kualitee:

Kualitee is a tool that offers defect tracking features to handle quick and easy capturing of bugs. New bugs can be logged while saving the tests being executed. With Kualitee, testers can categorize all types of defects. This is important since each type of bug has its own specific workflow based on the business requirements. Kualitee helps to ensure that all defects are logged accurately so that the best solutions for test suites can be applied. 

With Kualitee, testers can sort their testing tasks according to preferences. It helps them to focus on top priority issues. Thus, bug management becomes efficient and testing workflows run smoothly. With the help of Kualitee, testers can add a description, status, date, action, priority, etc. on its rich format. It allows the addition and deletion of any defects during a project. Testers can also find test suites from previous projects as it saves all previous files too. Kualitee gives a complete overview of the progress of a project during its testing lifecycle. 

3. Jira:

Jira is a popular issue tracking and project management tool. It is used to track issues on all web and mobile software. Jira is a tool developed by Atlassian and has an easy-to-use dashboard with features that help in better project management. Jira can be downloaded and it allows its users to create user stories and issues, plan sprints and assign tasks across development teams. With Jira, you can also prioritize and discuss your team’s progress with complete visibility into the project. 

4. Trello:

With Trello you can organize all your projects into boards. It is a popular issue tracking tool that explains the details of a project, the team is working on what, and what is the work in progress. It is a white-board with all labeled and organized sticky notes accessible through mobile applications too. 

5. Github Boards:

Github Boards is an issue tracking tool that is widely used by remote teams due to its smooth integrations with the Github repository. It is located on each repository created on Github in the project’s section. Testers can organize requests, notes, and issues and give them complete control over the project board and also come with automation capability to track all issues.

6. Asana:

Asana is a project management and issue tracking tool founded by Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein. It helps teams to organize, track, and manage issues and bugs. It allows users to create project plans so that they can view how steps map out, potential risks and also eliminates 

7. Avaza:

Avaza is an issue tracking tool that offers features for effective project management, expense management, resource rescheduling, and much more. It offers an intuitive dashboard and also integrates with third-party apps to manage workflows efficiently. It also includes time tracking and great visualization in the form of reports. 

The above issue tracking tools are popular for 2024, however, software testing companies are coming up with more ideas to enhance features and provide more insightful capabilities. 

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