Cloud Acceleration Solutions

Top Proprietary Tools of Cloud Acceleration Solutions That You Must Know About

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Cloud Acceleration solutions are cloud computing products sold to cloud service providers to help them deploy, manage, monitor, and secure cloud services for their customers.

The cloud acceleration products provide the following benefits:

 – Reduce cloud management overhead

 – Increase agility when deploying new cloud services

 – Consolidate resource pools to minimize costs

 – Improve cloud service availability

 – Maximize cloud service performance

 – Scale services to accommodate bursts in demand

 – Achieve better security and governance for cloud computing.

The cloud acceleration products are characterized by their proprietary built tools, which provide cloud service providers with deep insight into the operational efficiency of cloud computing certification and resources. The cloud acceleration solutions offer cloud service providers the capability to collect, compare and analyze statistics from cloud compute resources.

The cloud acceleration products also provide cloud service providers with optimization capabilities that allow them to configure settings of cloud resources to maximize cloud computing performance for cloud services.

They automate the configuration and management of cloud resources through a set of proprietary built tools: cloud management interfaces, cloud service automation engines, and cloud orchestration engines.

Cloud Management Interface (CMI):

It provides cloud service providers with cloud analytics capabilities for cloud computing resources like servers, storage, and networking.

CMI runs on virtual appliances or cloud services software installed on the customer’s cloud compute resource to collect cloud computing resource data.

CMI is designed to run on cloud service providers’ computing resources, not cloud customer computing resources. This means cloud customers only have the option of leasing the cloud management interface from cloud service providers for cloud services that they purchase or subscribe to.

These limits cloud customers’ ability to have greater insight into their cloud resources. CMI cloud analytics capabilities include cloud service lifecycle management, cloud resource scheduling, and cloud provisioning automation.

The cloud management interface uses a set of built-in cloud APIs (application programming interfaces) and cloud batch processing services. These provide cloud service providers with the capability to configure and manage their cloud resources through software applications they host on cloud compute resources.

Cloud service provider, cloud management interface, cloud built-in APIs, and cloud batch processing services include the following:

 – Virtual machine management for cloud computing resources

 – Networking orchestration for cloud networking resources

 – Storage provisioning automation

 – Scheduling cloud resource usage according to SLAs (service level agreements)

Cloud Service Automation Engine (CSAE):

It provides cloud service providers with cloud orchestration capabilities for cloud computing resources.

The cloud service automation engine has built-in cloud Web services hosted on cloud computing resources to automate cloud service provisioning, configuration, and management for cloud computing resources.

CSAE cloud analytics capabilities include cloud service security automation, cloud software configuration automation, and cloud resource provisioning.

CSAE cloud management interface cloud built-in Web services include the following:

 – Storage lifecycle management for cloud storage resources – Networking lifecycle management for cloud networking resources

 – Configuration of operating systems and application servers on virtual machines

 – Orchestration of cloud networking resources for cloud services

 – Provisioning cloud compute services according to cloud service level agreements (SLAs)

Cloud Orchestration Engines (COE):

Cloud orchestration engines provide cloud service providers with the capability to scale cloud computing resources on an as-needed basis.

This tool provides cloud service providers with cloud capacity scheduling and cloud resource provisioning automation for cloud computing resources.

The cloud orchestration engine provides cloud service providers to configure and manage cloud computing resources through software applications that they host on their cloud computing resources. This allows cloud service providers to create their unique cloud management interfaces.

The cloud orchestration engine does the following:

 – Provisioning cloud compute resources according to cloud service level agreements (SLAs)

 – Scheduling cloud resource usage according to cloud service level agreements (SLAs) – Configuring operating systems and application servers on virtual machines

 – Orchestration of cloud computing resources for cloud services

 – Provisioning cloud storage resources

Cloud Compute Resource Lifecycle Management (CCR LM):

CCR LM cloud analytics capabilities include cloud computing resource lifecycle management for virtual machines, cloud networking resources, and cloud storage resources.

CCR LM cloud management interfaces cloud built-in Web services include the following:

Cloud service provisioning automation

 – Configuration of cloud compute resources according to cloud service level agreements (SLAs)

 – Orchestration of cloud computing, cloud networking, and cloud storage resources for cloud services

Cloud Analytics Engine (CAE):

 It provides cloud service providers with cloud resource monitoring capabilities. The cloud analytics engine uses Web services to monitor cloud computing resources to troubleshoot cloud service issues.

The cloud analytics engine services include the following:

 – Monitoring of cloud computing, cloud networking, and cloud storage resources for failures

 – Troubleshooting cloud service issues

 – Cloud infrastructure capacity automation

Cloud computing as a model enables ubiquitous, convenient network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services. These resources can be rapidly released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud acceleration solutions model promotes availability and comprises five cloud service models: cloud computing, cloud storage, cloud security, cloud analytics, and cloud management.

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