B2B SaaS Marketing Tips and Strategies for 2021
Last updated on June 23rd, 2022 at 04:25 am
B2B SaaS is cloud-based software distribution, and it helps companies in the assessment of their software. It also allows you to access your products and effective management operations.
It is a type of inbound marketing, a platform of sales. “SaaS products need another approach for their marketing because their main revenue source is the subscriptions. Although SaaS marketing is a little bit different from traditional marketing since there is no tangible product to sell, the final goal is the same: to increase the sales funnel and attract more customers. To achieve these goals lots of technology companies develop marketing plans for their software business, this way trying to maximize their sales and reach more customers.” In 2021, the B2B SaaS marketing strategies have been updated. All of them are useful, and they include
Leverage Search Ability around Competitor Brand Name
It is difficult to survive in this highly competitive space of SaaS. You need a way to elevate your brand name. Because when you are a part of a competition you need to have your name above all. It means, when you are working on the performance of your software, make sure you make it worth selecting. When people search for brands of SaaS they select the top one as it is superior to its competitors.
Leverage your brand name, so that you come on the top of searches and people can choose you in the first place. For this purpose, you can target your competitors with the help of Google ads and paid advertisement. Google ads direct you to a landing page, and the landing page represents you as the best solution among your competitors. The landing pages also allow attracting more organic traffic to your page.
Optimize Your Review Listings
Optimization is a long process but is very important. People often neglect it, but it is an effective marketing technique for B2B SaaS. You can use G2 Capterra for this purpose, as it is bet directories for this purpose. While doing optimization, you fill all of your company descriptions accurately and by keeping them specific.
You cannot perform optimization until and unless you fill all the categories in which you do business. You can make your profile attractive by adding demo video and high-quality images in it. It will help people in knowing more about you. Also, help in improving the position of your brand.
Collect reviews of people of especially in the directories of your targeted audience. And post them on your brand page. It is the best way of adding credibility to your brand and using it for marketing purposes.
Get Visibility in Search Engine Results Pages
Getting visible in search engines is the key approach in 2021. And for this purpose, you can use AggregateRating markup and FAQ markup. They are the two types of structured data that bring you to the page of search results. It is used by different agencies to market them and is one of the best 2021 marketing strategies It provides you a click-through rate and brings you on the roof.
Clients search for their answers, and if your glowing reviews provide them their required answers they choose you without going on the next page. Working on your content is the first thing, but making it visible to others is second. If your users can get their answers right away, they’ll be bound to click your posts more than your competitor’s.
Extract More Value Out of Existing Content
A lot of SaaS companies are busy creating more content. They focus on making fresh content but pay no attention to their existing content. But do not realize the importance of time and waste more of it in new content creation. Whereas, they can use that time in the upgrading and improvement of existing content.
You can do it by adding or removing sections of your old content. It helps in making it look more engaging and attractive. And the same can do for your services and your essential products. You can modifiers, power words, and catchphrases to pull the focus of clients on your page. Feature your compelling calls to action and your selling points on your page. It will bring more clicks to your page, and people will subscribe to you right away.
When you update your existing content, it improves user experience. And it gives you signals of improving rank on search engine result pages.
Email Marketing
It is an old technique but is useful in 2021 as well. It is the best and the most effective way of marketing your B2b SaaS. It might be an old-school thought, but it is the best way to nudging your customers. Emails provide detailed information, and the customers get answers to all of their questions in detail via emails.
Email is one to one connection medium. With the help of email, you can talk to your customers directly. It is used from leading signing up free preliminary to visit coordinated touch points with clients and post-deal uphold. Marketing through emails is an unmissable way of expanding your business.
Email marketing allows you to provide all the information of signing in at grass root level and then gives you instructions at every step.
Social Media Marketing
There are few SaaS marketing you can share with your customers, and they are
. Features announcement
. On boarding email or a demo or products
. Email of surveys
. Online events taking place
. To inform about new blogs, posts, webinars
Social media is one of the largest marketing platforms. It has users in millions, and almost everybody is present on social media. And you use it for expanding your SaaS business. Social media helps you in reaching millions of people at one time. And therefore, it is the best marketing technique for your B2B SaaS IN 2021.
You can use it for highlighting industry awards and for promoting your content. You can use social media marketing for announcing new features on your page. And for releasing product releases. Social media marketing is one of the best ways of attracting new customers. It can help you in gaining organic traffic for your page.
You can not underestimate the power of social media. As it is one of the biggest marketing tools up till now. By availing the benefits of this tool, you can utilize it by telling the users to highlight the importance of Floor Tiling Services Dubai. And it is proved to be very successful for them.
Arslan Haider is author of the above blog. He is a Senior SEO Expert at MediaHicon. Apart from that, he loves to post blogs with valuable content.