Writing a good novel is not as complicated as it seems. All you must have is determination, strong will, and imagination—and if one of them is missing, you must have the courage to develop it. Writing well, in a nutshell, is the definition of self-love and the opposite of self-criticism, as SuperiorPapers specialist, Dave Crimsons agrees. As long as you’re not judging yourself, you don’t need to worry about any writers’ block.
However, you need to worry about certain rules that’ll make your business life easier. Here are the most essential tips and tricks on how to write a good novel.
- Read a lot
You must read a whole lot to become a good writer. So, don’t forget about this small yet important piece of advice. You become shaped by other writers, in the end. You steal from others; they steal from you. This is how it usually goes, so read as much as you can. Other writers can be like mentors, there when you truly need them. Use this opportunity to read books in your area of interest.
- Map out a plan
Designing a plan of attack is a great opportunity to put your thoughts in order. This is the only way in which you’ll ever be productive. Make a checklist of all the things you must do or write them down as you go. Make sure you know what motivates you to write.
- Develop only good habits
I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, but it’s time to stop what you’re doing and listen. Habits are the foundation of any successful career. So, make sure you create only good ones. Stick to them by any means.
- Use your time properly
You might not have enough time to breathe some days, so make sure you’re using time properly. Time is scarce, so prioritize. Know what needs to be taken care of first and what can be taken care of later. Set a target of reaching anywhere between 1,000 and 2,000 words per day.
- Build good connections with your editors
Editors are a huge part of your publishing process, so reach out to someone now. Start building a relationship with them. Make sure they’re a good fit for you. If they’re not, change the editor. If they are, continue the good connection until publishing time comes.
- Don’t judge yourself
Your first draft will not be the best – don’t worry about it. Do not take it personally. Do not stress over it. Do not start judging yourself for it. You are only getting started, so give yourself a break. The more you write, the better it’ll be. If you’ve got spelling issues, use Grammarly or any other grammar checker to ease your work.
- Keep going
Keep going no matter what happens. If you hate your first draft, use this opportunity to write a better second draft. Use the second draft to shape your story and allow unexpected themes or developments to take place. Do not judge yourself for your choices, let the process unravel.
- Start with designing the characters
Now it’s time to design your characters since they’re the most important part of the novel. Readers don’t really care about your theme; they care about character development. So, make sure you start off with this, right after finishing your first few drafts. You must have an idea of how they look like by now.
- Forget about the commercial side of it… for now
If you’re writing to get published only, stop writing and find another career. No one’s going to read your book. To be successful, you must be passionate about writing and really love what you’re doing. So, write the art’s sake, and forget about the money for now.
- Break the rules as you wish
The coolest novels are the ones that break rules. Develop your own style and change it as you go. You don’t have to be a Hemingway to have readers. Be yourself, break the rules as you please, but stay original and authentic, staying true to the story you’ve imagined is the key to a good story, as it’ll allow what you’ve written to remain consistent and tie everything together in the end.
Wrapping Up
Hope this article helped you out with writing your novel. Take them in, think about them, let them sit, select the ones you like, apply them, see if they work, come back with feedback. Good luck!

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