You will have difficulty focusing on your tasks, whether you are a newbie, a grad student with gray hair, or a professional. Modern technology is beautiful, but it can also be a constant parade of distractions that can break down the determination of the most determined. These are some tips to help you avoid electronic distractions while you work or study. Professional thesis writers will help you to get the most out of distance learning and distribute all of your time evenly on all subjects.
Use headphones. This is particularly important if you work with others, but even if your headphones are not on, it can help you concentrate (as long you have the right music). You will find that people are less likely to ask you trivia questions and your sense of space is smaller, which allows you to focus on what is in front of your eyes. If music is a distraction, white noise can be helpful!
You can turn off everything you don’t use. Be ruthless! You can’t turn your phone off unless you have to take someone with you to the hospital or if they need a ride from you at the airport. The same applies to e-mails, instant-messaging applications, Facebook, and any other messages that may ping you. Even if it isn’t important, you should pay attention to the signals. It is a good idea to disconnect your Net connection completely (for writing or studying, for instance).
You can monitor your time-wasters. RescueTime is a free, great service that tracks your usage of apps and sites over time. It will then give you detailed, embarrassing information. Your information will be kept completely confidential. This can be very helpful as it may help you to see how much time was spent on any particular distraction. Some distractions may prove to be harmless.
Block distracting websites. You can still block distracting sites if you use the Internet for research and communication with your study buddies. LeechBlock, a Firefox extension that allows you to set up blocked sites and times. StayFocusd, a Chrome extension, does the same thing. Although it may seem strange to spend time setting it all up, you will almost certainly save time over the long-term.
Multiple machines and desktops are possible. Although not everyone can afford multiple computers, it is possible to buy a cheap computer that can be used for work (or even Ubuntu Linux). Only load the apps that you use to do your work, and then move it somewhere quiet for work. Multi-desktops are a cheaper but less efficient option. Macs come with Mission Control, while Windows users have the option to use Dexpot for multiple desktops.
Multiple accounts are possible. Another cheap and great trick is to log off your computer and then log in as a guest. It’s simple enough that you won’t be distracted by all the bells and whistles. You’ll have to be careful not to log back in every few seconds, but inertia can be a great friend.
Establish a reward system. Although this is technically complex and will require extra willpower, it is completely tech-independent. After an hour of uninterrupted work, set up a system that allows you to have fun, tag your music files or go through e-mail for 10 minutes. You may have to adjust the times to meet your needs. However, try to keep your work time under half an hour if you are working on a complex or large project. If you still check Twitter every few minutes after you attempt it, then this project is not for you. Scroll up the list until something works.
These should all be combined to help you channel your inner monk, and complete that huge project on time. Good luck!

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