If you think that brochures are not going to work in your favor, you need to read this block thoroughly to have an idea about how important it can be. For the corporate world, coming up with the perfect brochure design is what every company looks forward to, but there are many aspects for which it is not that simple. Companies need to think of several factors before they can proceed with their brochures.
Don’t think that brochure design is an outdated feature of a marketing campaign. Regardless of the nature of your business, a brochure produced by considering certain factors can be effective. For customers, a brochure can offer them to see the products of your company or discount offers that you can offer them in a light-hearted way.
Brochure Design that can Work for you
A brochure can have a variety of information on it, for example, some information about a company, about recently held or upcoming events, etc. While there is no particular format, you can create a brochure in a bi-fold or tri-fold way, among others. A professional design and printers in london service, or a similar company in your area, will be able to advise you as to what design would work best for you.
Think about an event that you have to attend. How do you like your target audience to know about you? You can’t talk to every member of the audience, so it is easy for anyone to distribute a brochure that your potential customers can read and know what you can offer to them.
- Know your Objective
This is one of the most important factors that you need to understand before the start of the designing process of a brochure. I am emphasizing this because once you get wayward about what is your objective in which you are creating that brochure, things can go out of hand pretty quickly and you will end up getting a brochure that did not serve the purpose. Let me offer an example to you so that you can understand by viewpoint easily.
If you want to make a brochure offering a 50% discount on a product you are about to offer; you need to think about putting that offer prominently on it. Don’t beat about the bush and emphasize the design aspect so that your main objective gets sidelined. After a few lines, at most, offer the 50% discount prominently rather than anything else. In this way, you will be better off in educating your target audience exactly what you want to offer to them rather than leaving them clueless all through the brochure exactly what is the objective of creating that brochure in the first place.
- Know Your Customers
If you don’t know about your target market and specifically the customers you want to target, you will have a tough time creating a brochure that will work for you. If you are targeting people who are looking to buy a smartphone, for example, you need to come up with not only a design that will work but also taut content and CTAs.
Furthermore, you need to vary in the spending habits and what your customers look forward to in a smartphone, for example, to think proactively. A brochure must hit the sweet spot in catering to their needs. People living in big metros and the age group of 18-25 will be looking for a device which can help them in not in their daily tasks but also for entertainment purposes too. That’s why you need to design a brochure highlighting the features that they are looking for.
- Use of Apt Fonts
Till now, I have focused on designing a general brochure. But there is not much difference when you will have to consider corporate brochure design. There are many issues that you need to address when it comes to fonts related to the corporate designing of a brochure. First of all, the use of multiple fonts, for example, one for heading, one for sub-headings, and the other for all the text of the brochure sounds amusing but it will look odd, to say the least.
Remember that you are talking to an audience who is not interested in razzmatazz but rather for the real deal. That’s why you need to think about using fonts that are right on the money.
- Don’t Make Tall Claims
Another thing related to the copy of your brochure, large organizations, and businesses that are you are trying to attract can’t be fooled by just a brochure. For example, if you have a product that can last five years easily but will show signs of wear and tear after that, you don’t need to come up with a claim that it will last for 8-10 years.
Business owners and professionals who have used a product like you are selling in the past, then they will instantly know that you are bluffing. This can be a very negative aspect for your product, and the company as a whole as a false claim is seen as cheating on your customers. Word of mouth can spread very quickly through social media and within a short time, your product will get the wrath of your customers.
Apart from tall claims, don’t use complex words and jargon in your brochure so that a person not familiar with your product will find it extremely difficult to comprehend it. Offer technical information, too in a simple way so that anyone can understand it without prior knowledge about your product.
- Put Emphasis on the Headline
I am sure by now; you have a good idea that designing a corporate brochure is not all about design. And the upper half of the brochure is where you need to take advantage of design and content. For instance, the headline on the top can get the attention of many people as it is bold and we all start reading a page, even brochure, from the top.
It is through the headline that you need to tell the audience what the brochure is all about and what the benefits and USPs of your product is. While you have 1 or 2 more pages of the brochure, get the attention of your reader right on the first page, as only a person who gets excited after reading a catchy headline and offers will move on to the subsequent pages.
Over to you
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