Digital Education Tools

9 Digital Education Tools For Teachers And Students to Improve Study

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When educational institutions ceased to operate during the crisis due to the spread of COVID-19 (more than 150 countries), opportunities for online learning increased and could become a benchmark for education. The opportunities offered by digital technologies go far beyond solving problems in times of crisis. Nowadays, ‘write me an essay‘ requests are popular during an academic year all along, and modern technologies allow students to get help online and privately. Digital technology allows us to find new answers to the question – what do people learn, how, where, and when they learn.

9 Digital Education Tools For Teachers And Students

In addition to basic digital competencies (training, presentations, tests, etc.) a modern teacher must have innovative practices for the implementation of such models of learning as:

  • adaptive learning,
  • synchronous and asynchronous learning,
  • blended learning,
  • self-directed learning,
  • Distance Learning,
  • cloud and mobile learning,
  • virtual class,
  • inverted class,
  • e-learning management system,
  • educational process management system,
  • course (CMS),
  • gamification,
  • personalization,
  • digital storytelling, etc.

In order to constantly maintain an extremely high level of their own, teachers have the opportunity to continuously improve their competencies (including digital). In times of crisis, digital technologies must provide students with access to quality learning.

Most education systems need to be careful not to exacerbate existing inequalities in access to and quality of education. Take, for example, the Finnish education system. Modern educational reform in Finland (2014-2020) focuses on three areas: new pedagogy, new learning environments, and digital learning. The aim is to improve academic achievement, to form the competencies of teachers who meet the needs of the present and the future, to update pedagogy through experimentation, and to transform learning into an inspiring process that takes place throughout life.

Digital information learning tools for teacher and student are all different, but helpful to both sides, they are:


  1. ByteLearn. is a digital math teaching assistant for Math Teachers and a Personalized one-to-one and Step by Step tutor for students. Teachers can create a homework, worksheets like Theoretical Probability Worksheets, assignments, quizzes, exit tickets, bell ringers, and formative assessments on it with 1 click and while students are solving them, Bytelearn helps them step by step like a tutor wherever the kids get stuck.
  2. Loop. The purpose of the application is not just to check, but to accompany the learning process. At the end of the lesson, the teacher may offer to do the tasks in this program and respond quickly to the answers of individual students.
  3. Mentimeter. The tool has many features for creating interactive content. Suitable for use in lessons, seminars, workshops, and workshops.
  4. EdPuzzle. Free service for creating video clips with text notes to them, questions, or tasks. You can take knowledge from sources such as YouTube, Vimeo, KhanAcademy, TED-Ed, LearnZillio, and others. Based on one video, you can create an interactive quiz with open-ended questions or multiple choice answers or ask a college admission essay writing service to help you not only with admission letters but with other academic tasks, including visual presentations.
  5. Google Forms. Through this tool, the teacher can create different types of tasks even with the addition of images and videos from YouTube and see the answers in a common spreadsheet.
  6. Google Class. With this tool, teachers can create and collect tasks online, view who has already completed tasks and who has not, and provide real-time test results to each student.
  7. Socrative. Online service for creating and conducting tests in educational institutions in the classroom. Registration for students is not required, just enter the code provided by the teacher. With the help of a real-time survey, teachers and students can visualize data for decisions about future learning.
  8. IXL. An adaptive learning platform for teachers who create educational games for their students. Most suitable for English and mathematics.
  9. Flipgrid is an easy way to create and share videos.
  10. With this application you can evaluate students with the help of videos, asking them to create short summaries of 3-2-1 format.

Оbvious condition for online learning is access to the computer you need to work. In Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, and Switzerland, more than 95% of students said they could use a computer for work at home, but only 34% in Indonesia. The other side of the equation is how well-equipped and accustomed schools are to online learning and how well prepared and involved teachers are. The state of technology in schools and the experience of working with digital technologies in schools are different.

Organizing The Educational Process

Under the auspices of the United Nations, states are exchanging experience in implementing innovative methods of distance learning and organizing the educational process in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A global list of educational applications, platforms, and resources is available on the UNESCO website, which provides links to digital educational management systems, open online training courses, interactive video platforms, tools for creating educational content, repositories for distance learning, and self-education.

Alternatively, students may also learn by doing hands-on tech projects at home to apply concepts and theories learned online. Online books and information are not enough to fully grasp the knowledge behind every concept. Practical application is also key to better understanding and absorption of knowledge.

Author Bio:

Charlotte is the best author of articles about learning for students and teachers. Even knowing how to use an essay helper online for your studies is extremely important. Everything you need to know about learning in the age of digital technology and how to best use the full potential of applications and programs can be found in this article.

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