Mandatory QA Session

Mandatory QA Session before Choosing a Test Case Management Tool

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Software testing is not a chill pill to take instead it’s a very hard pill to swallow if an organization wants to be healed. It is comprised of various time-consuming, effort-consuming, and resource-consuming tasks like detecting bugs before a hacker exploits, managing tests manually on spreadsheets, increasing the test coverage, and coming up with effective solutions to fix the errors. One of the best ways to tackle these types of challenging tasks of the software testing process to achieve the desired testing goals, organizations must invest in the appropriate software testing tools like defect management, test case management, issue tracking tools, etc. These all help organizations in different ways to make themselves more productive. 

In this article, we will let you know some of the mandatory questions which must be answered before you choose a test case management tool. 

Is the tool adaptable to multiple processes?

Extending test management tools in different parts of the organization requires that the tool can be mapped to Waterfall, Agile, or a combination of Waterfall and Agile. This is mainly because different projects in the organization often follow different development methods.

Does the tool has the ability to support multiple users? 

One of the most important aspects an organization has to consider before it opts for a test case management tool is that the tool they are planning to choose is able to support a variety of users at a time or not. Is it capable of bearing the user load? This is important to understand because when multiple users access the tool, challenges arise from a tracking and security perspective.

Can it be easily integrated with automation tools?

If you are planning to choose an appropriate test management tool, you must focus on the tool’s ability to integrate or consolidate easily with the top test automation tools such as JUnit, Watir, HPE, and Selenium. This will assist organizations in syncing and running rests on regular basis and also automate the entire process for easy management to reduce time and effort.

Is the tool able to support cellular devices?

A good test management tool is one that effectively supports mobile devices and tablets. Mobile support is a great helping hand for teams at the customer’s end instead of at the desk or for teamwork with managers in different geographic locations. Test management tools must have a complete (not reduced) feature set available on mobile devices. Support for multiple devices and mobile operating systems is very important because as the number of devices increases, issues such as location, gestures, accelerometer, and orientation become more complicated.

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