Linux Distros for Servers

Top Linux Distros for Servers

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As you might expect, Linux server distributions are tailored specifically for use on servers. There are many different Linux distributions available, and each one allows you to tailor your Linux machine to your precise needs by installing only the packages you want.

Since Linux server distributions are slimmed-down versions of the original, they may not even include a graphical user interface. They will, however, supply you with a plethora of tools to guarantee the machine’s speed, security, and dependability — in short, everything you require from a good server OS.

Up to this point, everything has been fine. However, there is a minor problem to think about: there is a wide variety of Linux server distributions, making it difficult to choose one for your individual or company needs. Where can I find the top ones available now? Proceed reading to acquire the knowledge that will facilitate your choice.

Ubuntu Server

We’ll move on to Fedora Server in the next round. Since it is community-developed and free, it is at the cutting edge of technology and is used as a beta for RHEL’s newest and greatest features. It’s always a plus to get a sneak peek at cool new features before they’re fully implemented.

The downside to being “up-to-date” is that Fedora Server versions are updated about once every 13 months. If you don’t mind that, you’ll be getting one of the most feature-rich Linux distributions available. Yum, DNF, Packagekit, RPM, and Yumex are just some of the package management technologies available to you right away. More programs are available to you than in the case of most distributions.

Fedora Server is made more secure using the Bell-La Padula Mandatory Access Model, and you can set individual user permissions to match your specific requirements.


  •  Get your hands dirty with cutting-edge FOSS tools.
  • Famous administration programs include Yum, DNF, Packagekit, RPM, and Yumex.
  • Improve safety using the Bell-La Padula Mandatory Access Model.
  • Compatible with a wide range of CPU architectures, including X86, ARMhf, Power, PPC64LE, ARM64, S390X, and many more.

Software Distribution Slackware

Since its release in 1993, Slackware OS has proven itself to be a secure and reliable lightweight solution.

The unique selling point of Slackware OS is its support for older computers. It has low system requirements, so it may function smoothly on hardware that’s ten years old while still providing access to a wide range of cutting-edge capabilities.

It supports the X Window system, has built-in servers and mail servers, and has native support for C and C++, along with a virtual suitcase full of other development tools, editors, and software libraries.

There is a steep learning curve for new users of Slackware OS unless they are already comfortable with the terminal.

  • Security-focused, minimal distribution with a track record of reliability.
  • There is backwards compatibility with older hardware, and there aren’t a ton of software prerequisites.
  • Comes pre-installed with X Window, a built-in web server, mail server, and support for C and C++.
  • There are several compilers, IDEs, and libraries available right off the bat.
  • Compatible with X86-64 processors.

Ubuntu by Oracle

Oracle Linux is distributed in Oracle’s own custom-built packaging. Its core is built from RHEL source code, while Oracle provides additional functionality on top.

Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) are the two kernel solutions available to you (UEK). No matter which you choose, you’ll have access to the full RHEL application library. However, UEK stands out for its exceptional performance and scalability features, which can aid in areas such as memory management, process scheduling, file organization, and network stacking.

Oracle Linux is more common in cloud-based data centers than other distributions because of its compatibility with OpenStack, but both are widely used by businesses of all sizes around the world.

To know about Linpeas Click Here. 

Finally, this top Linux server distribution is compatible with all Oracle-engineered x86 systems and offers optional premium support.

  • Integrated with the RHEL source code compilation.
  • A plethora of memory and process scheduling, file organization, and network stacking capabilities are available.
  • OpenStack compatibility.
  • Compatible with all Oracle-engineered x86 hardware.
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