Advancements Transforming Healthcare

5 Biggest Technological Advancements Transforming Healthcare

Healthcare has been transformed beyond recognition thanks to the latest technology. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and robotics have united to change the way we are used to thinking about patient care, treatment, and safety.  Here are the five biggest technological advancements transforming healthcare in 2020.  Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Hospitals’ information systems, outdated…

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Healthcare Industry

Healthcare Industry: The Need for Software Quality Assurance in Healthcare Apps

Over the passage of time, technology has caused major disruptions in the digital world. With the healthcare industry being a critical part of any economy, the latest technologies for diagnosis, and treatment have also evolved. Modern medical facilities are equipped with highly sophisticated medical machines to treat patients. A software testing company is responsible to…

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Healthcare Apps with Artificial Intelligence

Testing Healthcare Apps with Artificial Intelligence to Improve Healthcare Records

Just like retail, banking and other sectors, the healthcare industry has also undergone digital transformation. To keep up with the latest trends and make the most of technological advancements, healthcare firms are also looking for robust testing solutions. The healthcare industry is one of the most crucial sectors when it comes to dealing with valuable…

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