Technology Risks To Watch Out For in 2020

Technology Risks To Watch Out For in 2020

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When you’re online, there are risks that you need to watch out for. The online world, just like the world beyond your front door, has challenges that you must negotiate.

Here are the technology risks to watch out for in 2020:

1. Cyberbullying

It’s a sad truth that bullying can happen over the internet. In fact, studies have found that more than 50% of online gamers have been the victims of cyberbullying in some form – whether that’s being the target of harassment or abusive language.

If you’re a victim of cyberbullying, most platforms will have ways for you to report it. For your own mental health, it’s also important to block the person that’s targeting you.

Remember, you can always log off. These people can only attack you in your home if you let them in by staying connected.

2. Cyberattacks and hacking

Hackers can get access to your private data.

Sometimes, they’ll get this by hacking into the database of a company that you have an account with. You have no control over this. Hackers could get hold of your username and password, which you may also use on other websites. They could also get your bank details, address and telephone number.

Hackers can also target your account specifically. They can log in to get access to your private data if your account isn’t secure enough.

Reduce the risk of your accounts being hacked by using secure passwords for everything. Follow guides that show you how to create a strong password – and, annoying as it may be, make sure you have a range of different passwords.

3. Phishing

Whilst hackers will steal your information, phishers make you hand it over willingly. Phishing scams usually look like they’re coming from a trusted company, though this is often a mask.

A phishing scam might invite you to login to your account, or might say that you’ve been hacked and advise you to change your password. When you click the link and provide your old account details, these are sent to the scammer. They’ll then access your real account, gaining access to private information.

You can reduce your risk of being a victim by understanding how phishing scams work.

If you receive an email, don’t click a link. Instead, go straight to the main website just as you usually would.

4. Unwanted subscriptions

It’s surprisingly easy to sign up to a subscription that you don’t really want. With the rise of ‘one-click’, you can sign up for a subscription in a matter of seconds. Though this isn’t strictly a scam, is certainly a risk that you take when using technology.

Always read the small print to see what you’re signing up for. Don’t click any link unless you know where it’s going to take you.

If you use a free trial, remember to cancel before the first payment is taken. If you don’t make use of the provided cancellation period, you could be locked into an annual subscription that you’re not entitled to a refund for.

5. Public Wi-Fi

Now that we’re in 2020, there are very few places without access to public Wi-Fi. And, whilst public Wi-Fi is incredibly convenient, it’s also a technology risk.

You never know who could be intercepting data. Only connect to public Wi-Fi if it’s provided by a company you trust. Don’t use a public connection for important things like banking or checking your emails.

Follow tips for staying safe on public Wi-Fi, and take a ‘safety first’ approach.

6. Online viruses on phones

Most people readily install an antivirus on their computer. But those same people might not realise that they can do the same on their phone.

Nowadays we’re increasingly using our phones for things that we once used our laptops for. This means that our mobile phones are at risk of online viruses. 

In 2020, you should be protecting your phone just as you might protect your laptop. With antivirus software, you can make sure that your handheld device remains safe.

We’re in the age of technology, and it undeniably brings many benefits to our lives. Sadly, if we’re not aware of the risks, we could lose our money and – more importantly – our private information.

Watch out for the technology risks, and do your best to make sure that you stay safe.

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