Bank Cyber-Attacks

3 Steps IT Can Secure Against Bank Cyber-Attacks

Bank robbery—it’s one of the oldest crimes in the book. This get-rich-quick scheme, while not always successful, often leaves criminals untouched. Though the goals of bank robbers have remained the same over the years, their methods have evolved. Today’s bank robbers are hiding behind the screen, using targeted and sophisticated cybercrime tactics and leaving IT teams struggling to keep their networks and their vaults secure. [ Effective security operations requires staying ahead of…

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Agile and DevOps

Why You Must Reinvent Testing for Agile and DevOps

Think back just five years ago. In 2014: The seminal DevOps book, Gene Kim’s “The Phoenix Project,” was one year old; Gartner predicted that 25 percent of Global 2000 enterprises would adopt DevOps to some extent by 2016; “Continuous Testing” just started appearing in industry publications and conferences; Many of today’s popular test frameworks were brand new…

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Perfect House

Top 5 Qualities of a Perfect House

Picking your home design is a standout amongst the most energizing phase of structuring a new home. Basically, the key traits of an extraordinary home incorporate live-ability, usefulness, accommodation, solace, and style. The format and the manner in which the space capacities are vital to an agreeable home. For motivation and thoughts browse JLT Property…

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